May 15, 2009


By now the readers would be clear about Why to meditate? and now I want to tell you the most awaited thing HOW to meditate. read this blog every alternate day I will publish a post about how to meditate.

Global unity of mankind can be achieved through this awakening that can occur within each human being, so that transformation takes place within us. By this process a person becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced. One actually gets the experience of the feeling of the all-pervading divine power as cool breeze. "Know thyself" is the main theme - it becomes evident and one reaches the absolute understanding of oneself.

Click to know more

May 11, 2009


Before doing something we should always understand why should we do something like this and as far as meditation is concerned it is a serious thing as it will change your life in many manners.
1. You can overcome any diseases like Kidney disorder, Emotional distress, Bronchial diseases, Blood Pressure, Diabetics.
2. You can become successful in your career, your business, your sexual and emotional life.
3. you can win yourself and attain various supernatural powers.

4. If you do it completely you will understand and continue your existence for ever.

If you are not meditating you will live and die one day without solving any purpose of life.
click here to understand the most important fact of your life if you don't you will miss the real meaning of yourself

May 8, 2009


  1. Muslim View About Meditation

References to Kundalini awakening, also called Self-Realization, are found in many ancient scriptures of all the religions. But the way in which most great prophets wrote, coupled with limitations of human intellect of getting subtle, it became tough to understand what exactly they wanted to say. Nothing is blatantly stated and truth can often be ingeniously hidden. Unless one has self-realization, this knowledge of the divine could be, and is, mis-interpreted. Its only after self-realization that one can receive the total joy of great souls' prediction about Sahaja Yoga.


There are evidences from holy book BIBLE about the view of Christianity about meditation.
Read more:

May 5, 2009


I have been discussing about Meditation quite often but you may have in mind what meditation is? It is not easy to explain meditation one can understand it only by practicing it but here I am mentioning a brief introduction of the same.


May 1, 2009


In my view the human body is like a jungle simply like a cluster of many living things that are dependent on each other.

To understand it more further let’s take an example of Blood for a common person it is read watery substance in biological language it is a mixture of read and white blood Cells which have there own life span (Grow live for some time and destroy or die after completing there life span), reproductive system( through cell division they reproduce and grow) this system is very similar to many of the living micro organisms who have there lives dependent on other elements of nature and not the human body.

In the similar fashion every human cell has similar behavior and they are separate living units dependent on each other for there existence.

These cells form organs like heart, kidney, pancreas etc.

These organs are living beings in there own dependent on other organs and cells for there existence. This is why the human organs can be replaced and transplanted to other humans, any organ not functioning has a effect on the human body system and other organs as well and when this malfunction reaches to a level when other organs of our body are unable to cope up with the functioning of one organ whole ecology of human body gets disturbed and that causes the death of human body.

Feb 23, 2009


We are sometimes surprised when a Magician does something which our eyes have never seen before and we call it magic.We ever realized what magic nature has within it.We are very used to watching flowers grow on plants. But how it happens?Biologically we can explain it very well as it is the reproductive system of plants.But how it became so functional there is no answer except just understanding the mechanism.Same is the case with other biological activities.This beautiful world is full of such magic’s.We understand what earth is how it got into existence evolution of races but who made this fantastic mechanism work and why there is no answer to it.Everything is active and alive. Surprising but true.Every cell regenerates.Every element is made of atoms which have Nucleus, Neutrons, protons and Electrons where they all have some or the other function to do like the rotation of Electrons and Revolution of Nucleus. They also have power to regenerate and this is what we call as life.Science has only described what we can see through eyes and through the additional enlarging equipments, but what about the things we are unable to see and understand.When Some New activity of nature is explored we call it a Discovery but in real terms it is just a little more understanding about the activities of nature.Nature is the biggest magician.
One surprising magic is human brain, but just think how much we know about it.Still the science is not table to decode dreams.We still have little idea about subconscious mind. We being a part of nature just rolling in the cycle of life and death without understanding what life is.Human is the creature which has capability to utilize its brain and condition your brain for various other functions but still there is no full proof formula for all this and we are just in the stage of trial and error.